Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What this is all about

Ok so here's what's going on that brought me to create this site.  My life is sort of in a weird place right now.  I’m supposed to be two years into some great job, with my career on track, planning to go to business school soon, etc etc…but instead I am currently a “woman of leisure” as my dad likes to say.  I quit a miserable job in April and decided to take the summer off to find out what I want to do with my life.  Definitely did not really figure that one out, but I am currently looking for a job in marketing.  It seems like a way more interesting and actually fun industry to work in and I’m hoping to get as far away from banker egos and tantrums as possible.  Although searching for a job takes up some solid hours of each day, I do have lots of free time on my hands and I thought it would be fun to spend that time going out into the city that I often take for granted and finally get to all of those bullets on my “Cool things to do in NYC” list.  I feel like we all have something like that…a list of restaurants or obscure museums, markets and street fairs we want to hit up, under the radar places we hear about and never end up going to…you know what I mean.  So this is my way of forcing myself to get through the list and hopefully urging anyone who is willing to read to go do the same. 

Just to clarify, I’m not pretending that I know where all the really interesting, undiscovered places are…I’m not that cool.  But some of my friends are and hopefully they’ll throw some ideas at me and maybe even come along on my little expeditions.  And who knows, maybe along the way I will make my own underground discoveries and then I can share them with all of you.  (As of right now I cite Urban Daddy and Grub Street as big contributors to my ‘to do’ list, but I do have some of my own leads…you’ll see.)

I don’t plan to be completely focused on NYC exploration though…every now and then I also want to write about interesting tidbits that I read in the news/magazines/books.  I’m definitely not a news buff or a serious intellectual, but sometimes I find my way to an article that I just find sooo fascinating or read a really funny passage in a book that makes me laugh so hard…and I just have to recount it to everyone.  This way I can just gush about it one time instead of saying the same thing a million times to different people (that is assuming at least the people who tolerate me on the day to day are going to read this).  In terms of what I like to read about in the news, I’d say mostly I gravitate towards new technology and renewable energy, all things Cuba, and any cool information on languages and culture.  So I'd expect some of that, but I’m really not sure what’ll make its way here. I'm going to leave it open-ended until I find my vibe. 

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