Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween pictures to to distract you from my negligence!

I have to seriously apologize for my lack in posts in the last 10 days. As they say, finding a job is a full time job, and when you throw Halloween preparations into the picture, the days get so full it's hard to find time to sit and concentrate on a post. So...yea it's still not ready (it's coming!) but I thought I would distract/entertain you with some pictures of my Halloween arts and crafts creations...Enjoy :)

^^ I carved this baby free hand (which you can prob tell from the asymmetry). Isn't it scary? You can find it on a third floor fire escape on 2nd ave between 34th and 35th street (if it hasn't been tossed yet).

Down here is my Halloween costume. Sandy is Uncle Pennybags (aka the Monopoly Guy) in jail and I'm the Community Chest GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card. Aren't we cute? :D I'm really into home-made costumes and also being inanimate objects (last year I was a Duff Beer and Sandy was Duff-Man -- ilovethesimpsons). Click the pics to see my masterpieces in more detail.

Here's what went into these badboys:
1. Trip to target to purchase everything they have in mustard yellow (turns out they have a lot, I was deciding between a nice little cardigan and this tee shirt)
2. Mixing fingerpaint colors to get mustard yellow. (For some reason I thought I would get mustard by mixing yellow and green. That was a mistake and took a lot of yellow to correct!)
3. Cutting out poster board and paint with a sponge because I had no paintbrush.
4. Spending several hours copying a community chest card and in jail space onto giant sized posterboard. Yep I drew that all freehand slash with a ruler. Not super easy, esp since I'm no artist haha. My roommate can attest to the fact that it involved a lot of erasing pencil lines until it was acceptable. Also she colored in the black on the community chest and the orange on the 'in jail' piece to give me a break. Thanks Er!
5. Finishing touches like fastening and wearing monopoly pieces as jewelry :) Oh and this heinous color on my fingernails...I have to remember to take this off ASAP. 
6. Sandy spending 15 mins in Rickys to get a prisoner jumpsuit, hat and 'stache (that lasted about 10 mins and was ripped off shortly after this photo).   
7. Special thanks to my grandma for lending me one of her canes for Uncle Pennybags :) Good thing she has like ten of them...

Anyway, hope that was entertaining enough to redeem myself for being negligent to the blog. I promise the New Museum post will come soon, hopefully before they change the exhibits!! 

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!!! I did!


- The Wandering New Yorker 

