Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hands off my $25 shoes!: My Trip to Vintage Thrift

I was determined to make Vintage Thrift my next post. I tried to go on Thursday, then again on Friday, and finally succeeded on Sunday. The shop (@ 3rd ave bet 22nd and 23rd) is actually a nonprofit, benefitting the United Jewish Council of the East Side, and that’s why they were closed Thurs. and Fri.--apparently it was Simchat Torah (not sure what that is, but it was marked on the calendar on the store’s door). So you’ve got to remember this when you are thinking of stopping by. Also they close at dusk on Fridays and are closed every Saturday for the Sabbath, plus all Jewish holidays. You can find the schedule on their website or get updates on their twitter page. Ok, just had to get that info out of the way.  Now onto the shop...

First Impressions: This really is a place to shop. It’s not a costume store like the thrift shops I’m used to in good old Durham (Thrift World anybody? Best place to find tailgate outfits!). It also isn’t one of those “vintage” shops where they seem to have forgotten that thrift shops generally discount couture items from their original prices. Vintage Thrift is just a great place to find fairly priced items that you want or need or don’t even know that you want or need! They sell (men’s and women’s) clothes, shoes, jewelry, kitchenware, paintings, books, music, random trinkets and who knows what else you’ll find if you look hard enough.

Part of the challenge is really keeping your eyes open, especially in this particular shop. It is a bit small and densely packed so it’s easy to miss something you might love if it’s surrounded by a bunch of old wicker baskets that you’re not really interested in. Keep an open mind and really fish through everything. It definitely took me a few rounds in the store before I made my great finds.

Some Highlights
L: 58th St, R: Central Park
Postcards: Perfect example. Right when you walk in there is a table with mostly (not very cute) shoes so I just walked past, but on my 3rd round I saw a box filled with old postcards, ranging from photos of foreign cities to famous artwork to random designs. Great decorative potential! I found two great photo postcards of Central Park and the 58th St Plaza (hello Apple store) in the 1800s. LOVE them. I really love old NYC pics. It’s kinda crazy to think that the city actually existed back then, with big-ish buildings, but also horse-drawn carriages (that weren’t surrounded by protestors holding signs of dead horses). Anyway, this box is packed tight tight so you really have to commit yourself to looking through it. I was at it for about a half hour before I just had to stop. I prob would have stuck it out a bit longer had I not been bent over at a 90 degree angle, with my ass actually being the first thing people were seeing when they walked into the store. Not for sale.

Check the full album for more pics!
Shoes: While I was entranced by postcard sifting, some girl actually tried to nab my Stuart Weitzmans and I had to fend her off. She was definitely disappointed/scared of me, but I wasn’t about to let these go…look at how cute they are! 25 dollars friends. All mine :)

I’m pretty sure they are going to kill my feet (prob cuz they are a half size too small, but I mean..leather stretches right?) I just won't wear them dancing. And if they don’t work out I’ll pass them off to one of my deserving friends. Who’s a size 8? Get in line, ladies.

This is definitely one of the larger thrift shop shoe selections that I’ve seen.  No name stuff, along with Jimmy Choos and Manolos, etc.  Mostly small sizes, though, like 7’s boooo. This is common for thrift stores and I never understood why. Are women’s feet getting bigger as time has gone on? I looked it up. According to one article, women’s feet are growing and apparently it’s tied to the obesity epidemic slash the fact that we are taller and bigger people in general. And apparently eating pizza and other “high-density processed foods” when you are in puberty makes your feet grow larger. I don’t really get it, but I mean…I definitely ate lots of pizza and have kind of big feet. Well worth it if you ask me!

Trinkets: This store is a great place to find fun decorative pieces or trinkets. I’m always looking for unique little things that might be cool to give as gifts (recently as Xmas gifts) and I found something great for my dad. The backstory on this gift is not worth recounting, but it involves my dad getting too excited by little opera glasses and binoculars at the US Open. Clearly it stuck with me because when I saw these old binoculars, they instantly reminded me of him and I thought they’d look great on the mantle in his office aka his man cave. Semi-retired men love decorating their offices with random crap (I mean treasures). :D So dad I guess now you know what you’re getting for Christmas, but I couldn’t sacrifice the post for the sake of surprise. And more importantly, remember when I was going into 6th grade and you and the mother bought me a Nintendo 64 for my birthday (AUGUST) and wouldn’t let me have it until Christmas (DECEMBER) for actually no good reason at all? Well here’s your payback. Feel my pain! Check them out.

I looked up the name on the binoculars case and actually found some interesting stuff. Jeff Ehrlich founded an “optical goods, cutlery and jewelry” shop at 3 Astor House around 1863. I guess the business was passed down to his sons and they renamed it. There was a bit more, but basically my research tells me these are pretty old. Nice. Merry Christmas Ba!

Jewelry and Clothing: Definitely hit or miss and for sure requires some digging. I was actually trying to look at more clothing but there was this older man who was searching the dresses section while carrying around some purple velvet pants and I was just so confused I couldn’t focus. I’m gonna say he was shopping for his wife. Or maybe he’s actually that guy from the UES who jogs in women’s lingerie. I love this city. Also what is with the sexually ambiguous people I keep running into on these adventures?

Anyway, that’s that. Definitely worth checking out and also somewhere I plan to return. I meant to ask how often they get new items, but my guess is it’s just as often as people bring stuff in. I’m thinking to separate visits by a month at a time. Although if you wanna check it out and need a friend I’d be happy to return sooner! Happy thrifting!

Look out for the cool window displays.
All pieces are up for silent auction

- The Wandering New Yorker

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh... thanks for the love! This is such a great (and thorough) post. Glad you found a few goodies!

    We never heard of the pizza/big feet connection, but in general your feet grow in response to use--so getting taller, heavier and more physically active (i.e. women being more involved in sports) has lead to the (unfortunate) growth spurt. As a crew of size 8's and up, we feel your pain!

    We put out new goodies every time we have a minute from straightening up the store or assisting our customers. Thanks to our generous donors, there's always something new!

    We have great things planned for October, plus we'll be cranking out all of the fall merchandise this week, so stop by soon!

    -your Vintage Thrift shop crew

